
Kryoneri Travel Parga/Griechenland
Sofoklis Pappas
GR - 48060 Parga
Riga Feraiou 11
near Kryoneri Beach
Tel./Fax: 0030-26840-32400
Open: May - October
(daily 09.00-13.00 + 17.00–22.00 o'clock local time)
November – April +43 664 6330036 (Mo – Fr 09.00-17.00 o'clock)

You can reach us all year long vie e-mail:

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Today is 12.09.2024 19:52 

Kryoneri Travel Parga/Greece

GR - 48060 Parga
Riga Fereou13
near Kryoneri Beach
Tel./Fax: 0030-26840-32400
opened: Mai - October
or mail all the year: